Advanced Gourmet

Gelato is more than a treat—it’s an experience

Gelato is more than a treat—it’s an experience

Italians adore gelato. Their passion for it is so strong that the relatively small country hosts a whopping 30,000 gelato shops. With that many locales to choose from, it’s vital for proprietors to differentiate themselves, so they don’t get lost in the crowd.

The Italian love affair with gelato arises from more than just the fabulous flavor and tantalizing texture. It’s the experience that begins the moment the customer steps into a shop. It’s the quality of that experience that empowers one proprietor to stand out from the others.

Installing an EFFE premium batch freezer is one way to create an unforgettable experience in your shop. Cattabriga built their first EFFE commercial batch freezer more than 75 years ago. In that 3/4 century since, gelato artisans have prized the machines for the seamless, authentic vertical process of making top-quality gelato, sorbets and Italian-style ices. The process is so smooth, the machines so striking, that the gelato production generally happens while customers watch, becoming part of the overall experience. They’re frequently positioned by a storefront window, where people catch the enchanting action and are enticed to enter the shop to get a closer look.

Introducing showmanship to the dining experience is a growing trend here in the US. Everyone from standalone pizzerias to nationwide chains are getting in on the action. Krispy Kreme is famous for putting their doughnut-making process right in front of the customer. This practice does more than simply give customers something to look at while they’re waiting. It proves to customers that the product is as fresh as possible. It also creates that unforgettable experience Italy’s best gelato shops provide so expertly.

As interest in gelato builds here in the US, shop owners are challenged with recreating that enticing environment found in Italy’s gelaterias. Advanced Gourmet provides the EFFE batch freezers that make creating the welcoming, standout experience Italians are well known for. Whether they want to open an entire gelato shop or add artisanal frozen confections to their existing menu, customers select EFFE batch freezers because these high-end machines do more than merely make gelato. They make memories.

Reach out to Advanced Gourmet to learn more about the unsurpassed quality and appearance of EFFE batch freezers. Our team offers more than four decades of industry experience, providing everything from business-plan and store-design assistance, to recipe development and production training. We’d love to talk with you about how these unique machines deliver quality and customer engagement no other machine can match.

Contact AG today to schedule your hands on demonstration and let us help you plan for success in your gelato or ice cream shop!

The video below shows how intrigued customers react around the world to seeing handcrafted gelato being produced right in front of their eyes.



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